Podcast #53: 3 games we're dying to play, the board game café business (guest: Meepleville)

Timm Metivier of Meepleville (both a board game cafe and a channel for board game content) jumps on the podcast to tell us all about the world of running a nin-person social business...when everyone's social distancing. Here are everyone's topics for this episode:

  1. Timm (guest): What are the top three games we're dying to play? (2:48)
  2. Shoe (producer) and Christina (host): How do you discover the games you want to play or order for a board game cafe? What is it like running a cafe during COVID? (We kinda got our topics mixed up and jumbled together.) (16:12)
  3. Mike (editor): What does the board game cafe business model look like, between cover fees, rentals, sales, food and beverage, etc.? (37:00)

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Here are the games covered on the show:

Timm’s topic: The top three games we can’t wait to get to the table

Shoe’s/Christina’s topic: Running a board game cafe during COVID + how we discover games

Mike’s topic: What does a board game cafe’s business model look like?

Final thoughts: