Board games vs. video games: All our original shows

It was way too long, way too infrequent, and way too much work. Going Analog's original video series was overly ambitious for a side project that we tried to squeeze in somewhere between our day jobs and playing board games for, ya know, fun. But hey, we had a good time making these, and we hope you enjoyed watching them.

We're no longer producing shows in this particular format, but you've come to the right place if you're looking for an archive. Below are all the episodes for this series -- and don't forget to stay to the end of each to see our friend Seanbaby do some hilarious things. (He answers reader mail early on then eventually moves onto reviewing crappy games.)

Let's start with our last episode and move back from there. Enjoy!

Episode 11: Charterstone vs. village-building games

Episode 10: Flips Ships vs. Galaga

Episode 09: Mansions of Madness vs. Resident Evil

Episode 08: Quadropolis vs. Between Two Cities vs. SimCity (part 3 of 3)

Episode 07: Between Two Cities vs. SimCity (part 2 of 3)

Episode 06: Quadropolis vs. SimCity (part 1 of 3)

Episode 05: Adrenaline vs. first-person shooters

Episode 04: The Pursuit of Happiness vs. The Sims

Episode 03: T.I.M.E. Stories vs. adventure games

Episode 02: Scythe vs. 4X games

Episode 01: BattleCON: War of Indines vs. fighting games

Episode 00 (pilot): Level 7: Omega Protocol vs. XCOM

(cool stuff, eh?)