Going Analog Podcast #25: Best of Gen Con 2019

Gen Con 2019 is officially over, but our minds and bodies are still recovering. The epic convention simply gave us too many games to play (and take home) -- so many that we need two industry guests to help us process it all. Joining us this week: Lizzy Funkhouser (content creator at Board Game Spotlight) and Derek Funkhouser (board game development manager at Skybound and also a content creator at BG Spotlight). Between the four of us, we got to check out roughly 5 trillion new board games. So join us for an hour-long discussion about (some of) those.

Our four topics:

  1. ​Christina: Our Gen Con games of the show
  2. Lizzy: What we're willing to buy full-price at the show vs. waiting to get online discounts later
  3. Derek: Why it's important for content creators to build community at conventions
  4. Shoe: Our favorite early prototypes from the show (games we'll have to wait a long-ass time to see a retail version of)

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Here's a full list of the games mentioned on the show:


Christina's topic: Our Gen Con games of the show

Lizzy's topic: What's worth paying for at Gen Con, and what do we wait to buy later?

Derek's topic: The importance of building community at conventions

Shoe's topic: Our favorite prototypes/games to look forward to

Final Thoughts