Podcast #28: Fave co-ops, legacy games, cute vs. horror (guest: Nikki Valens)

When we think "Nikki Valens the game designer" we think nightmarish horrors, minds descending into madness, and lots and lots of tentacles. Exhibit A:

But...this is their next game:

Is Nikki an incredibly versatile game designer? Or did their mind descend into...well, you know. We asked them to come on our podcast, so we can figure out how they create such memorable and diverse game experiences. Going Analog contributor Jess Yi joins as well. The topics that everyone brought for the group to discuss:

  1. Shoe: Designing horror-themed games vs. cute, family-friendly fare
  2. Jess: Our favorite cooperative games
  3. Nikki: How "legacy"-style games use their legacy elements
  4. Christina: Escape-room games

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Here's a full list of the games mentioned on the show:


Shoe's topic: Designing horror-themed vs. family-friendly games

Jess's topic: Favorite co-op games

Nikki's topic: Legacy games

Christina's topic: Escape room design and games

Final thoughts: