Going Analog is back from Gen Con -- with so many new games to talk about!
Gen Con 2022 saw the return of over 50,000 attendees (and four days of non-stop gaming) to Indianapolis -- and, most importantly, the return of Christina and Shoe to the big show! We invited Twitch streamer and content creator Amanda Panda to join us to discuss our experiences and the hot new games.
Topics this episode:
- Christina (host): The hot games of Gen Con (15:31)
- Amanda (guest): The lighter and party games of Gen Con (34:16)
- Shoe (producer): Games that flew under the radar (50:34)
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(Photos on our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts courtesy Gen Con.)
Games mentioned this episode:
- Hoop Godz
- Rap Godz
- Critical Care
Christina's topic: Hot games at Gen Con
- Turing Machine
- Cat in the Box
- Yokai Septet
- Empire's End
- No Thanks!
- Space Base
- Castles by the Sea
- Twilight Inscription
- Twilight Imperium
- Hadrian's Wall
- Familiar Tales
- Stuffed Fables
- Aftermath
- Mice and Mystics
- Forgotten Waters
- Brazil: Imperial
- Scythe
- Scout
- Ahoy
- Vast
- Root
- First Rat
- Tokaido
Amanda's topic: Favorite party/light games at Gen Con
- Green Team Wins
- Blank Slate
- Herd Mentality
- Fit to Print
- Night of the Ninja
- Mafia
- Werewolf
- One Night Werewolf
- Secrets
- Ready Set Bet
- Wormholes
- That Old Wallpaper
- The Red Cathedral
- The Red Cathedral: Contractors
- Gimme That!
- Nacho Pile
- Cover Your Kingdom
- Skull King
Shoe's topic: Games that flew under the radar
- Kapow!
- Dice Forge
- Dice Throne
- Boop.
- Shobu
- Mobile Markets
- Smartphone Inc.
- Genotype
- San Francisco
- Modern Art
- Ra
- Planted
- Wildstyle
- Skate Summer