Going Analog

Where video game industry veterans introduce great board games to video gamers

Podcast #128: Bizarre gaming habits, how we value board games (guest: designer Eric Slauson)

Do you deal cards weirdly? Obsessively organize your plastic bags? We do.

When we read that Eric Slauson (designer of MonsDRAWsity, Chucky, and many more) likes to deal cards in a...very unique way, we knew we wanted to invite him on to discuss just how weird his board gaming habits are. Are we weirder? And just how do YOU compare anyways?

Plus, gamers always talk about how some games aren't "worth" the price -- how do we value that, exactly?


  • 3:41 - Going Analog's game pick: Wyrmspan.
  • 12:03 - Eric's game pick: Kinfire Chronicles.
  • 19:25 - Going Analog's topic: Bizarre board gaming habits.
  • 34:27 - Eric's topic: How do you value board games?

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