A professional comedian (and board game designer/content creator) appears!
We've had plenty of funny guests on our podcast, but our latest one is a pro at it. Joining us this week is comedian Grant Lyon (also a board game content creator and the co-designer of Curmudgeon, a party game about insults)!
Here are the topics everyone brought to this episode:
- Christina (host): "Old" (2017 or earlier) games that are underappreciated and need more love (3:13)
- Shoe (producer): More party games that we love (28:10)
- Grant (guest): Mechanics that we seek out -- or actively avoid (48:20)
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Here are the games covered on the show:
- Curmudgeon
Christina’s topic: “Old” games that don’t get enough love
- Love Letter
- Lost Legacy
- Grand Austria Hotel
- Taverns of Tiefenthal
- High Society
- Take 5
- Take a Number
- Cover Your Assets
- Cover Your Kingdom
- Potion Explosion
- Sea of Clouds
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Raiders of the North Sea
- Dominions
- Raiders of Scythia
- Descent: Journeys in the Dark
- Gloomhaven
- Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion
Shoe’s topic: More party games
- Cross Clues
- Codenames
- Curmudgeon
- MTV: The Throwback Music Party Game
- Blockbuster
- Who’s the G.O.A.T.?
Grant’s topic: Seeking out or avoiding games based on mechanics
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Champions of Midgard
- Everdell
- Tidal Blades
- Architects of the West Kingdom
- Paladins of the West Kingdom
- Viscounts of the West Kingdom
- Kingswood
- Raiders of the North Sea
- Raiders of Scythia
- Sagrada
- Alien Frontiers
- Marco Polo
- Castles of Burgundy
- The Godfather
- The Godfather: A New Don
- Eclipse
- Beyond the Sun
- The Crew
- Gudetama: The Tricky Egg Card Game
- The Fox in the Forest
- The Fox in the Forest Duet
- Skull King
Final thoughts:
- Curmudgeon
- Honey Buzz
- Beyond the Sun