Going Analog

Where video game industry veterans introduce great board games to video gamers

Podcast #63: Fave game names, tech in games, and conventions (guests: Rose Gauntlet)

Isaac Vega and Lindsey Rode from the newly formed Rose Gauntlet Entertainment join Christina to talk games!

Isaac Vega (designer of Ashes Reborn, co-designer of Dead of Winter and Forgotten Waters) and Lindsey Rode (designer of Labyrinthos) take a quick break from managing Rose Gauntlet Entertainment to discuss their new company and gaaames!

  • Christina (host): Our favorite board game names (5:08)
  • Lindsey (guest): Tech in board games (16:10)
  • Isaac (guest): How we feel about attending conventions this year (30:05)

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The games discussed in this episode:


  • Dead of Winter
  • Forgotten Waters
  • Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn
  • Keystone: North America
  • Countdown: Action Edition
  • Labyrinthos

Christina’s topic: Your favorite names for board games

  • So, You’ve Been Eaten
  • Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn
  • Dead of Winter
  • Abyss
  • Terra Mystica
  • Above and Below
  • Roam
  • Alice is Missing
  • Gravwell 
  • Bärenpark 
  • A Fake Artist Goes to New York
  • Campy Creatures
  • Curious Cargo
  • Pipeline
  • The Quacks of Quedlinburg
  • Frenemy Pastry Party

Lindsey’s topic: Technology in board games...what are you excited about and what don’t you want to see

  • Forgotten Waters
  • The Search for Planet X
  • Chronicles of Crime
  • Life After Dungeon
  • Dread

Isaac’s topic: Conventions in a post-COVID world

  • Atheneum: Mystic Library

Final thoughts:

  • Keystone: North America