Alex Radcliffe from BoardGameCo joins to chat about how important theme is to our board games, interesting things we've learned from gaming, and how the pandemic affected online board game sales
Prolific YouTube creator and BoardGameCo founder Alex Radcliffe joins Christina and Shoe this week. Listen for lots of opinions and nerdy factoids!
Our topics for this episode:
- Alex (guest): How important is theme? Have you kept mediocre board games purely because of a great theme? And what games do you love despite their theme?
- Shoe (producer): What are some interesting facts that we've learned from playing board games?
- Christina (host): How did the pandemic affect online retail sales? What gaming trends popped up during stay-at-home?
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The games discussed in this episode:
Alex's topic: Theme in board games
- Cthulhu: Death May Die
- Arkham Horror
- Eldritch Horror
- Robinson Cursoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island
- First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet
- Terra Mystica
- Gaia Project
- Gentes
- Crusader
- Surrealist Dinner Party
- Ugly Gryphon Inn
- Marvel United
- Obsession
- Photosynthesis
Shoe's topic: Things we've learned from board games
- Goa
- Keystone: North America
- The Search for Planet X
- The Crew
- Timeline
- Wits and Wagers
- Terraforming Mars
- Brass: Birmingham
- Tinners' Trail
- Deep Vents
- Formosa Tea
- Viticulture
Christina's topic: Online retail trends during COVID
- Monopoly
- Risk
- Catan
- Splendor
- Codenames
Final thoughts:
- Red Rising
- Fantasy Realms
- Viticulture
- Zombicide
- Valor & Villainy
- Drawn to Adventure
- Merchant's Cove
- Root
- Vast
- Gods Love Dinosaurs
- Ecos