Raina and Phil from TikTok-famous 1 Minute Board Games stop by to amicably argue about games!
All the cool kids are on TikTok, so Raina and Phil from 1 Minute Board Games make Christina and Shoe honorary Gen Z-ers this week! We discover Raina's allergy to real-time games, Phil's addiction to Android: Netrunner, and Christina needs to shut up about Innovation.
Our topics for this episode:
- Christina (host): Favorite real-time games (3:57)
- Raina (guest): Which games do you and your partner not agree on? (15:21)
- Phil (guest): Games that we feel are the epitome of a board game mechanic (35:51)
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The games mentioned in this episode:
- Don't Get Got
Christina's topic: Favorite real-time games
- Sorcerer City
- 5-Minute Marvel
- Captain Sonar
- Space Cadets: Dice Duel
- Magic Maze
Raina's topic: Which games do you and your partner disagree on?
- Azul: Summer Pavilion
- Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra
- Azul
- Memoir '44
- BattleLore
- Cthulhu Wars
- War of the Ring
- Werewolf
- Werewords
- Innovation
- Glory to Rome
- Medieval Academy
- Cosmic Encounter
- Android: Netrunner
- Star Wars: Rebellion
- Chess
- Exit: The Game
- Unlock
Phil's topic: Which games epitomize certain board game mechanics?
- Chinatown
- Twilight Imperium
- Dominion
- Ascension
- Moonrakers
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Agricola
- Caverna: The Cave Farmers
- The Quacks of Quedlinburg
- Deep Sea Adventure
- Clank!
Final thoughts
- Targi
- Hadrian's Wall