Another game designer appears! Ryan Courtney (Pipeline, Trailblazers) shares his thoughts on many things board gaming.
Ryan Courtney loves making connections. Just check out these partial descriptions of his games:
Pipeline: "Carefully crafting an interweaving network of pipelines just might ensure your victory!"
Curious Cargo: "Connect an interweaving web of lines to your shipping and receiving spaces."
And in his newest creation, Trailblazers from Bitewing Games -- you guessed it -- you make (and blaze) connecting trails (this time, to go hiking, biking, and kayaking).
We invited Ryan as well as Bitewing co-founder Nick Murray to join our podcast to talk about this new project, other games that travel well, and more.
Topics this episode:
- Christina (host): Games would you pack for travel (18:22)
- Nick (guest): Games that work well at all (stated) player counts (25:17)
- Ryan (guest): Heavy games and their matchmaking problems (40:18)
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Games mentioned this episode:
- Pipeline
- Curious Cargo
- Trailblazers
- Bear Raid
- San Francisco
- Meadow
- Coloretto
- Zooleretto
- Santa Monica
- Letter Jam
- Scrabble
- Hanabi
- Codenames
- Stroganov
- Hansa Teutonica
- Gugong
Christina's topic: Games that you'd pack for travel
- Trailblazers
- Scout
- Startups
- Sprawlopolis
- Tussie Mussie
- Innovation
- Crossed Words
- So Clover!
- Regicide
Nick's topic: Games that play well at wide player counts
- Ra
- So Clover!
- Trailblazers
- 7 Wonders
- Caverna
- Libertalia
- The Quest for El Dorado
- Concordia
- Concordia: Venus
- Time's Up: Title Recall
- Monikers
- Taboo
- Twilight Inscription
- Twilight Imperium
Ryan's topic: Heavy games and their matchmaking problems
- Tzolk'in
- Terra Mystica
- Great Western Trail
- Bus
- Ark Nova
- On Mars
- The Gallerist
- Kanban EV
- Horseless Carriage
- Food Chain Magnate
- Roads and Boats
- Arkwright
- Oath
- Root
- Root: The Marauder
- Caverna
- Terra Mystica
- Gaia Project
- Barrage
- Pax Pamir
- Twilight Imperium
- Dominant Species