Going Analog

Where video game industry veterans introduce great board games to video gamers

Podcast #126: 2024's most anticipated, hard-to-recommend games (guest: Might I Suggest a Game)

2023 is dead. We want the new games for the new year!

I know we just finished our 2023 Games of the Year episode, but we're so over last year. It's cult-of-the-new time -- what are the badass games we're looking forward to in 2024? We invited gaming sommelier Alex Hart of Might I Suggest a Game to help us out since he also just put out his list!

And while we're frequent boardgame recommenders, sometimes, we run into a few that are super difficult to endorse for some reason. Which ones? Listen to find out!


  • 3:15 - Going Analog's game pick: Last Light.
  • 8:44 - Alex's game pick: Daybreak.
  • 15:07 - Going Analog's topic: Our most anticipated games of 2024.
  • 35:35 - Alex's topic: Games that we love that we have a hard time suggesting.

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