Going Analog

Where video game industry veterans introduce great board games to video gamers

Podcast #148: What's hot for 2025? Plus: The state of board game social media (guest: Grant Lyon)

Comedian and board game content creator Grant Lyon joins Going Analog to discuss what we're most excited to play this year.

We just wrapped up last year with our 2024 Games of the Year episode, so naturally, it's time to move on with our lives and think about what gets us all excited about 2025. What are we looking forward to playing? What have we previewed previously and are now eagerly awaiting the retail release? What's the buzz we're hearing from others in the biz?

Comedian and board game content creator Grant Lyon joins the show to share his thoughts on the biggest offerings for this new year. Plus, with the roller coaster that's TikTok and the continued rise of online toxicity, just how are we looking at board game social media these days?


  • 4:45 - Going Analog's game pick: Andromeda's Edge.
  • 14:18 - Grant's game pick: Dice Throne.
  • 19:38 - Going Analog's topic: 2025 games we're looking forward to.
  • 45:44 - Grant's topic: the state of board game social media.

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