Going Analog

Where video game industry veterans introduce great board games to video gamers

Going Analog Podcast #19: Kickstartled

Our new Kickstarter games, roll-and-writes, "superfillers," and The Castles of Burgundy.

Mike’s been traveling and missed the last couple of recordings, so we kinda missed him. Kinda. So this week, we got him and the rest of the OG Going Analog Podcast crew together to catch up on life. And life for us means board gaming.

A new episode brings four new topics. Here’s what everyone picked:

  1. Shoe was recently “Kickstartled” by a handful of Kickstarter arrivals. He wants to see what everyone’s gotten lately and how they play.
  2. Christina’s been playing a lot of roll-and-write games lately, so she wants to chat about the genre and our current faves in it.
  3. Last week, we got into an argument over the term “superfiller” (used to describe games in the one-hour range). Mike decided to bring that fight onto the show, so all of you can hear us bickering as well.
  4. Finally, Nick talks about The Castles of Burgundy, a fave for a lot of this group. ​

See a full list of games mentioned on the show below.


  • Splendor

Shoe's topic: Recent Kickstarter games that we've been playing

  • The Ancient World
  • Gentes
  • Resident Evil 2: The Board Game
  • Dark Souls: The Board Game
  • Airdeck 2.0
  • Mech Command RTS

Christina's topic: What we've been enjoying in the roll & write genre

  • Welcome to...
  • Avenue
  • Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodama
  • Let's Make a Bus Route
  • Ganz Schon Clever
  • In Front of the Elevators

Mike's topic: Arguing over what "superfiller" means

  • Calimala
  • Hansa Teutonica
  • Teotihuacan: City of Gods

Nick's topic: The Castles of Burgundy

  • The Castles of Burgundy
  • Shards of Infinity
  • The Settlers of Catan

Final thoughts:

  • Arkham Horror
  • Eldritch Horror
  • El Grande
  • Inhuman Conditions
  • Campy Creatures
  • Metal
  • Tokyo Series
  • Stonehenge and the Sun
  • Parks
  • Life Syphon
  • Wavelength

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