What are our favorite two-player, solo, and roll-and-write games? How do we feel when we fail at cooperative games? And we all love designer Uwe Rosenberg!
What do we love playing when we only have one other person to play with? Or no one else? And what if we want to play a game during shelter-in-place with everyone out there? We've got you covered, folks.
Jamey Stegmaier -- president and cofounder of Stonemaier Games and designer of Viticulture, Scythe, and the recent Tapestry -- joins the Going Analog crew to chat about two-player and solo games, plus those easily streamable roll- or flip-and-write games. We also discuss his new, infinitely scalable Rolling Realms, the "Mario Party" of roll-and-writes (our term, not Stonemaier's...in case Nintendo wants to send anyone a cease-and-desist).
And is Stegmaier using us for research when we discuss how we feel about replaying scenarios vs. "failing forward" in cooperative games? Make sure you listen to get a small hint about what he's working on next. And we all stan designer Uwe Rosenberg (Caverna, Patchwork)...with a bonus fun Rosenberg story from Jamey)!
Our topics:
- Shoe (producer): What are our favorite 1P and 2P games? (2:42)
- Jamey (guest): Cooperative games and the required replaying of scenarios after losing vs. failing forward with consequences. Which do you prefer? (17:40)
- Christina (host): What are our favorite beginner-friendly and heavier ___-and-write games? (32:00)
- Jess (contributor): What are our favorite Uwe Rosenberg games? (52:41)
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Here's a full list of games discussed on the show:
- Wingspan
- Viticulture
- Scythe
- Euphoria
- Tapestry
Shoe's topic: What are our favorite two-player and solo games?
- Lost Cities
- Hanamikoji
- Jixia Academy
- Onitama
- 7 Wonders Duel
- 7 Wonders
- Shards of Infinity
- Shards of Infinity: Shadow of Salvation
- Jaipur
- War Chest
- War Chest: Nobility
- Patchwork
- Pathfinder: Adventure Card Game
- The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
- Arkham Horror: The Card Game
- Coffee Roaster
Jamey's topic: How do we feel about replaying scenarios vs. "failing forward" in cooperative games?
- Forgotten Waters
- Gloomhaven
- Pandemic Legacy
- Legacy of Dragonholt
- The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth
- T.I.M.E Stories
- Forbidden Desert
- Atlantis Rising
- Arkham Horror
Christina's topic: Favorite beginner-friendly and heavier ___-and-writes
- Second Chance
- Qwixx
- Ganz Schon Clever
- Fleet: The Dice Game
- Rolling Realms
- Welcome to...
- Silver & Gold
- On Tour
- Cartographers
- Doppelt So Clever
- MetroX
- Welcome to New Las Vegas
Jess's topic: What are our favorite Uwe Rosenberg games?
- Agricola
- Patchwork
- Caverna: Cave vs. Cave
- Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small
- Viticulture: Moor Visitors Expansion
- A Feast for Odin
- Caverna
- Caverna: The Forgotten Folk
- Bohnanza
- Cottage Garden
- Fields of Arle
- Le Havre
- Ora et Labora
Final thoughts
- Kingdomino
- Pinnacle
- Scythe
- My Little Scythe
- My Little Scythe: Pie in the Sky
- Rolling Realms
- Euphoria